Dakota Serenity Nutritionals

One of the most frequently asked questions we get from patients when purchasing a supplement is, “How do I know what I’m getting is any good?” Over the years Pharmacist Kevin Oberlander and Naturopathic Doctors Faye Johnson and Elizabeth Allmendinger have worked one-on-one with patients to get the best possible outcomes from their therapy.

Using this vast experience and knowledge, we have created Dakota Serenity Nutrition. A synonym of serenity is PEACE OF MIND; the foundation on which our exclusive vitamin and supplemental line is built. Our goal is to identify the strength and quality of a manufactured product or request a specific formulation that meets our patients’ needs which then becomes a part of Dakota Serenity Nutrition. When you purchase a Dakota Serenity Nutrition product, you can do so with the peace of mind that you are getting the highest quality vitamin or supplement on the market.

**Serenity Quest members will receive a refund of the shipping and the 10% discount when you order is processed**

Regular price $34.10
Regular price $41.40
Regular price $37.95
Regular price $37.65
Regular price $55.15
Regular price $50.90
Regular price $22.60
Regular price $43.20
From $26.40
Regular price $20.50
Regular price $20.40